
NSM v1.6.0

Release Schedule

  • Feature Freeze - 2022-09-05
  • Release Candidate - 2022-09-12
  • Release Notes - 2022-09-12
  • Release - 2022-09-19

Planned Enhancements

OPA integration for registries services

Planned to add OPA policies for registries services.

See more details

Add support for scaling k8s NSM registry

Planned to improve NSM resiliency and availability via adding a possibility to scale NSM k8s registry.

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Add cluster-info examples

Planned to add an interdomain example on selecting endpoints via k8s about api

SR-IOV enablement on Equinix Metal n3 servers

Equinix Metal is planning to make SR-IOV a default configuration on our new n3 class of servers.

Planned to improve integration-k8s-packet to use new n3 class of servers.

Simplify deployments-k8s examples

Planned to simplify NSM examples via getting rid of creating dynamic files.

See more details

Public cluster testing via clusterctl

This makes our builds consistent and repeatable across a wide variety of infrastructure environments.

Planned to migrate next repos to the clusterctl

  • integration-k8s-aws
  • integration-k8s-gke
  • integration-k8s-aks
  • integration-k8s-packet

Show demos with L7 Meshes integration

Planned to show NSM+L7 mesh integrations:

On public working group calls to get feedback!

Add a new remote mechanism ‘IPSec’

Planned to consider adding a new remote mechanism for IPSec interfaces.

See more details

Improve integration tests run time

Planned to improve integration tests run time from ~1.5h to ~45m via parallel tests running.

Implement generator for NSE

nsm-gen simple generator to generate a main.go, supporting internal/ skeletons, Dockerfile, testing, etc, for a standard NSE. The goal is to make an NSE super easy, and have the developer only need to focus on writing their server chain.

It might be that a cmd-nse-template might be a better approach, so also consider that option.

Another consideration might be whether or not the NSE uses VPP. VPP using NSEs might get slightly different generation (VPP in Dockerfile, VPP testing machinery, etc)