
NSM v1.4.0

Release Schedule

  • Feature Freeze - 2022-05-16
  • Release Candidate - 2022-05-30
  • Release - 2022-06-06

Planned Enhancements

Advanced Healing: condition healing on datapath to NSE being down

When notified that the control path path is broken, check that the datapath to the NSE is also unreachable before healing. This will handle more robustly cases where there are temporary issues i the control path but the datapath is still functioning normally, reducing the circumstances underwhich a heal will be triggered.

Breaking up an application monolith with NSM

There are many existing applications in the world which consist of a collection of monolith servers. Most of user also want to be able to progressively break such monoliths up into cloud native apps bit by bit by pulling services out into Pods. Planned to add a new application that will allow for monolith servers work with required application from k8s via NSM protocols.

More Details

Public cluster testing via clusterctl

This makes our builds consistent and repeatable across a wide variety of infrastructure environments.

Planned to migrate next repos to the clusterctl

  • integration-k8s-aws
  • integration-k8s-gke
  • integration-k8s-aks

Multidomain NSEs

Adds support for endpoints with services from different domains. NSM users will able to register endpoint that supports services from different domains, it could be local cluster domain, remote cluster domain, floating domain and etc.

DNS over vl3 network

When created a vl3 network, it could be configured to use a DNS. Then all vl3 members could resolve each other by domain domain. By default planned to use the next domain scheme: {{ .workloadName }}.{{ .networkService}}.{{ .clusterName }}. This will be achived by adding a new grpc service to manage DNS configuration. The domain scheme planned to be configurable via go-template.

Update to Go 1.18

All NSM repositories based on go planned to be updated to go1.18.

Re-usuable workflows

Recently GitHub added a new kind of workflow that can be reused from different repos. Planned to add this into NSM repositories. That allows to simplify CI and also allows NSM users who is working with SDK will also able to re-use our workflow to be consistent.

Advanced vl3 examples

Planned to add more vl3 examples, such as

  • vl3 network recovery
  • vl3 network over floating interdomain
  • Scale vl3 network from zero
  • Scale vl3 network from zero over floating interdomain

NSM+Application Service Mesh

Initial example of using NSM to provide flat L3 reachability for spanning an L7 Service Mesh cross cluster for simplified multi-cloud/hybrid service mesh.

Dual-stack examples

Planned to add IPv4 and IPv6 examples.

Run OVS examples on CI

Planned to start running OVS examples on vanilla K8s on bare metal in Equinix Metal.

Connecting a remote interface without creating a VLAN on top

In order to facilitate a wider range of virtual environments hosting the Kubernetes cluster it could be feasible to allow the injection an interface into the NSC without creating a vlan on top. Some environments uses vlan in the underlay to provide interfaces for the worker-nodes. Here it might not be tolerated that an additional vlan is added on top ending up with a “Q-in-Q” setup. Therefore it should be possible to have a plain Ethernet interface injected without adding any additional vlan tagging.